Currently under construction, the Transcribblers Commission Catalog is a full chronological database of every document produced by Transcribblers since its founding in 2011. The Catalog details over 5,000 documents and an estimated ~40 million words transcribed.
This effort is ongoing, beginning with the compilation of the various project logs and databases that have evolved over the years as the business has grown, and my facility with spreadsheet formulas improved.
While the last seven years have had relatively standardized data practices, the early years of the business was a mix of improvisation, trial and error, and a whole lot of self-teaching.
This has resulted in a painstaking process of combing multiple email accounts from 2011-2012 to determine the exact sequence of commission, completion, as well as reconstructions of the archive and an exact accounting of total pages and words transcribed.
When this process is completed to my best estimation, official certification of commissioned work will be issued to past and present clients, confirming their engagement with the business and certifying their purchased transcripts as works of readymade art produced by the Transcribblers creative enterprise.